Cat Morley

Blog Posts




walking through the town there are so many people competing for the attention and money of the public. a girl with a guitar. a balloon bender. speakers blaring out terrible songs that the passers b...



woke up this morning to the lovely dulcet tones of junkies standing outside our door this morning.. phoned the police but the junkies left before they showed up..


me and nick were going to go to club chaos but decided to wait until tonight for cage and yay nathan is coming.


Tonight i went to the nether inn with my uni friends, it was our kind of goodbye night out because a few of them are away home. jenny drank loads, this huge pitcher of something and then four bottl...


we left the house at 2ish and walked for miles and miles and only just got back now. must have been the longest walk we’ve been on in dundee. it started off with really scrummy ice cream from thorn...


just as tom says “thank god the junkies came back” we walked outside to find three of them there. i gave them a really evil look and said in a much-louder-than-i-thought-way “are they junkies?”.. s...


2.04 am = where the hell is louise? in edinburgh you get oap seats on buses, here you get buggy zones. in edinburgh you get ikea and here you get camperdown play park. dundee is like some big play...



we have a pretty postman.. and he’s welsh and looks like richey. i think i kinda stepped in it though, because tom asked me if the postman was pretty and i said “how do you know?” because it was re...


such a stressful day. after shouting. stressing. and running around to get help from so many people we finally got the junkies sorted out.. and hopefully that will be the end of them. anyway after ...


our letting agency are so bad.. not only have they not bothered to fix the ten so things that were wrong with the flat when we moved in four months ago but now there is a very scary problem resulti...


Stitch N Bitch
Stitch N Bitch arrived today and there are so many things I want to make, but my fingers have started to hurt from knitting too much. Nick brought me back a paper pad of The Nightmare Before Chris...


My parents took my out for lunch today and then bought us a microwave for the flat. I also saw an adorable rabbit, which couldn’t crawl up a slope to get in to it’s hutch and kept sliding back down.


had one of those strange edinburgh days that seem to happen a few times a week.. something strange was happening last night in the flat.. there were strange banging noises coming from upstairs alon...


Picnic On Magdalen Green
In the evening I went to see Certain Death in Edinburgh with my Aunty and it was a really awesome gig. We got up early this morning and went for a picnic with our friends at Magdalen Green. It was...


All Stars
Tom and I stayed up really late last night and then when we tried to go to sleep at around 6 a.m, found that we couldn't because the seagulls were so loud outside. We decided to get up instead and...



Dark Room
It was such a lovely sunny day in Dundee today but I spent most of it in the dark room. It was the last day of printing, so everyone was desperately mixing chemicals to get their photos printed in ...


yay.. inga actually likes my idea for the interactive poem.. i’m so pleased. having a major clean up of the flat… oh neighbours on.. i’ll finish this in a minute.


The new issue of BUST Magazine arrived this morning and it always puts me in such a happy mood. got the new issue of bust – yay. always puts me in a happy kitty mood though it is weird to be home...


finally managed to hand it in after wandering around looking for the right colour of paper to attach to it. didn’t go to photography and i’m not sure why, but it’s too late now and i’ll get whined ...


wednesday malcolm, nathan, gg, grant and ellie came over which was another distraction to keep me from my coursework.


Today was a fun fest of eating pizza, galaxy, watching ghost world, giving relationship counceling and missing yet another class. yes, i don’t have much to say. louise thinks we have a ghost. afte...


woke up at 11 and had to get the house cleaned up in a matter of seconds before the parents arrived. they took us to jimmy chungs for lunch… all you can eat yummy chinese food mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. th...


Kitty Ville Hat
I've just finished knitting the Kitty Ville Hat from Debbie Stoller's book Stitch 'N Bitch. I used circular needles and it has little ears and pom poms on the end of icords.



I got my coursework grades back and I’ve passed everything, yay. I also just discovered a huge Chinese Supermarket around the corner from my flat which sells lots of yummy yum yums, so I’m very hap...


Nether Inn
there is a slight bin problem in our block of flats and someone saw a rat. rob wants a rat so we should send him down there to get it. last night was spent in the nether inn stealing shot glasses...