Blog Archive 2004 • Cat Morley


woke up this morning to the lovely dulcet tones of junkies standing outside our door this morning.. phoned the police but the junkies left before they showed up..
me and nick were going to go to club chaos but decided to wait until tonight for cage and yay nathan is coming.
Tonight i went to the nether inn with my uni friends, it was our kind of goodbye night out because a few of them are away home. jenny drank loads, this huge pitcher of something and then four bottl...
we left the house at 2ish and walked for miles and miles and only just got back now. must have been the longest walk we’ve been on in dundee. it started off with really scrummy ice cream from thorn...
just as tom says “thank god the junkies came back” we walked outside to find three of them there. i gave them a really evil look and said in a much-louder-than-i-thought-way “are they junkies?”.. s...
2.04 am = where the hell is louise? in edinburgh you get oap seats on buses, here you get buggy zones. in edinburgh you get ikea and here you get camperdown play park. dundee is like some big play...


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