Blog Archive 2009 • Cat Morley


Back To London
We caught the train back to London this evening. Luckily we had the presents from Kirsty Legg and Malcolm Brown to keep us fed.
I've been decluttering my room and it's starting to look very neat and tidy. I can't believe how many boxes I've thrown out. Our last day back in Scotland was spent with my parents in Edinburgh. W...
Still Jenny From The Loch
Jenny was back from Japan, so we met up with her in Edinbrugh for a day of fun and cock-of-tails. She told us lots of stories about Japan, which has convinced us to go and visit at some point next ...
Today we went through to Pittenweem with Tom’s parents. The streets were so icy and slippery so everyone was walking on the beach instead. We had lunch and hazelnut hot chocolate at the Cocoa Tre...
Merry Christmas
We had an awesome Christmas again this year. Tom and I woke up to stuffed stockings from my parents at the end of the bed this morning. Gifts included American dollars for our trip, Joseph Joseph ...
The Kingdom Of Fife
After waking up at 5 am, pilling in to a a taxi with suitcases filled to the brim with presents and watching movies on a 6 hour train journey, we’re back in Scotland and everything’s covered in sno...
Winter Wonderland
Tonight the few of us who were left in London went for Christmas dinner at The Diner in Camden. I brought the remaining crackers from our tree so that we could tell jokes and wear crowns while we t...
Geeky Presents
There was a little time for some last minute Christmas crafting so I made my Nana a squirrel brooch. I also made Tom a set of RSS and Social Networking Cushions.
Sparkly Skulls
Tonight was our Christmas party at the Mews for our friends. Before the party, Tom surprised me with a bag from Vivienne Westwood. My party outfit consisted of a black H&M dress, necklace from...
Knitty Kitty
I seem to craft so much faster when it’s cold outside. This week I finished my patchwork quilt, which I had started back in the summer. I had the bulk of the work finished in two days and then left...
Mermaid Ahoy!
Today was the day we got the mermaid in our LEGO advent calendar. Our nautical scene is almost complete though I'm not sure what it has to do with Christmas.
Tom’s boss Mal was hosted an evening at the office tonight, where he showed us the video of Hugh Grant shaving off his moustache. It was really funny.
Taylor Taylor
This morning we had breakfast at Fifteen. I highly recommend scrambled eggs & mushroom on toast with a side of baked beans and a tasty smoothie. Afterwards I had a haircut at Taylor Taylor. T...
Tiffany Tuck Shop
We ran in to a Santa convention at Trafalgar Square this morning. There must have been over a thousand people in Santa Claus outfits – apparently they were trying to raise awareness for Christmas....
Forever 21
I’ve fallen in love with Forever 21. They sell such pretty clothes and our first order arrived this week. I got a couple of dresses, skirts, belts, a pair of boots and Tom got lots of cool t-shirts...
I'll Be Your Friend, You Just Haven't Made Me Yet
We started decorating our tree tonight. We’re going to have a December party and have all our friends come over to help decorate, drink mulled wine, eat mince pies and listen to the Bright Eyes Chr...
Beer O'Clock
Emma and I headed in to town to meet Tom from work. It was Beer O’Clock at the Leap offices, so we were invited in for drinks, organic chocolate and a game of Jenga, while Malcolm (the boss) was ou...
Christmas Tree
Tonight we picked up this year's Christmas tree from Clifton Nurseries. We thought we had picked a similar size to last year but it turned out to be 2 foot taller and much heavier. Luckily a nice b...
Tonight we went to see Twilight. I still can’t make my mind up about the film, so Lynz has lent me her book of it to read. It was an 11.30pm screening, so we had the whole cinema to ourselves, whi...


Green & Black
The LEAP ANYWHERE office were sent 1,500 bars of Green & Blacks chocolate, so Tom came home from work with a big box of them.
Eagle Bar Diner
We have nice new neighbours upstairs, Olivia and Juliet, who came down for drinks and took our unwanted orange sofa away. Tonight we went out for Alex’s birthday, starting off at the Eagle Bar Din...
Black Friday
This morning we went ornament shopping at Clifton Nurseries, as they've just opened the Christmas shop. I got Nana a cute little squirrel for her tree and I got one for ours too. Afterwards we wen...
The Old Operating Theatre
My Nana really likes to hear about the darker side of London’s history, so today we went to the Old Operating Theatre, which is located in an attic near London Bridge. You have to climb up a tiny ...
St Pancras
This evening we had a bit of time to kill before my family arrived on the midnight train, so we went for dinner at Carluccio's in St. Pancras. It's really nice being able to sit out under the huge ...
I Look At The Sun And I Look In The Mirror
There was a nice little piece on Cut Out + Keep in the Daily Mirror newspaper today. They called on Friday asking for photos.
Ads VS Reality - Pizza Hut
The tiny quantity was the most disappointing thing about these potato wedges, which according to Pizza Hut is a “standard portion”.
Leap Anywhere
Tom’s got a new job as Head Of Technology at LEAP ANYWHERE, a website that features events you can go to to benefit charity. We celebrated tonight with pink champagne and dinner from the Bombay Bi...
Bond Noel
Bond Street were having another late night shopping event with champagne and nibbles in all the fancy stores today. There were carol singers on ever corner, reindeer and fake foamy snow being blow...
BUST Magazine did a nice little post about Cut Out + Keep reaching 30,000 members on their website.
Princess Cut
We thought we’d avoid the rain today by hiding out in Westfield, but I think everyone in London had the same idea. I tried on pretty rings in Tiffany & Co.. The princess cut is my favourite bu...


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