Cat Morley

Blog Posts



Little Venice Sunset
There was an amazing sunset over Little Venice tonight… I was so happy that I had my new camera to capture it.


Alt Fashion
I love the new travel window displays in Tiffany & Co. and there's a gorgeous envelope pendant that I have my eye on. Tonight we went for drinks in Earl’s Court with Leona, who’s the editor of...


Sky Ride
Tom and I took part in Sky Ride today, where streets in central London were closed off to make a circuit for cyclists. We fuelled up with breakfast at Jack's with Louise, Lynsey and Claire.


gURL was the first website I ever joined, when I was about 13 years old, so I was so excited to see that they’d done a little article on Cut Out + Keep and picked out 12 projects from the site ...


Fantasy Film Flower Ring
Remember how Beads Unlimited sent me a box of crafty things to play with a few weeks ago? I came up with a how-to for a Fantasy Film Flower Ring, which looks a bit like stained glass.


Tom and I rewarded ourselves with dinner at Jacks tonight in Queens Park after a long day at work.



Roll-Up Piano
Tom decided he was going to teach me how to play piano today, so we grabbed our roll-up piano and headed to the park. I figured out how to play the scales with both hands at the same time, in both...


Pizza In The Park
Today we made our own pizzas for dinner and took them to the park. They were really tasty! When eating love hearts, Tom and I only eat the applicable ones, so I eat the girl ones and Tom eats the ...


Shake It Up
After work today we headed to Westfield. We then headed to Camden where we took minature-style photos. It looks so cute, like a toy-set complete with miniature drug dealers and punks.


New Camera
My new Canon camera arrived today. It has a wide-angle lense, so all my photos will be 16:9. Tom's also been teaching me how to play my new bass.


Ads Vs Reality
Tom was very disappointed with his sweet chilli noodles from Wetherspoons tonight. Afterwards we went to see Inception which was interesting.


Heart Shaped Bass
This morning, I received a box of awesome treats from Medusa's Make-Up in the mail and then my purple heart-shaped Daisy Rock Guitars arrived.


Today was my parents last day in London, so we went to Wagamama so we could have some noodles for lunch before they left. We then went for a look around the new Apple store in Covent Garden. It's ...


Birthday Party
I went to MAC Cosmetics this morning for a makeover in time for our party. Last time I let the artist take full control and she went a bit crazy but this time I knew what I wanted, so I loved the e...


Bunting Necklace
It’s our birthday party in a couple of days, so I made myself a Bunting Necklace to wear. Tom got all the Snippets covers printed out today and I didn’t realise there would be so many of them. My ...


Tommy & Julia
Tommy and his lovely new wife Julia are over visiting from Canada this week. We met up for dinner at Vapiano's. They brought us three cutesie wooden turtles. Afterwards we picked up some wine and...


 On Your Bike
Martyn was in town today so he joined us for a Plan 9 brunch. It was like a Scottish reunion + Irish Claire! We got takeout brunch and headed to the park, where we were serenaded by a jazz band w...


Old Orleans
We started our adventure today with some chips from Mr Fish in Queen’s Park, which Mitch had told us were the best chip shop in London. They were very good and I managed to nab 20 chip forks so I c...


Make Mine
I worked from the LEAP ANYWHERE office again today! We all had lunch from Make Mine which was really good. Afterwards we went for cake and drinks at the cafe in John Lewis.


Cafe Boheme
We have a meeting with our publicist Sally after work today, so hopefully we’ll be doing a few more fingers crossed. Tom pointed out this tall door on the side of a gallery which is used for getti...


DIY Shoe Box Polaroids
We’ve been doing lots of de-cluttering and I finally organised my shoes with DIY Polaroid Shoe Boxes. Because the film is so expensive, I came up with a super cheap DIY solution. I can’t tell you ...


Owl Cushions
I sewed a flock of Owl Cushions. I don't really want to have any cushions I haven’t made (apart from the awesome tube fabric one). The owls were made out of two tweed skirts and pieces of Liberty p...


Lay Down In Her Gingerbread Coffin
This morning Tom and I went for brunch at the Alice House in West Hampstead. The restaurant is really pretty with brick walls, light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, candles in birdcages and big lou...



St. Albans
Today we took a trip out to St. Albans. My Dad loves history so it was on his list of places to see. We started by looking around the Cathedral. We then had a picnic in the park, it was such a lo...


Beer O’clock At The Brewery
This morning we went to explore Leadenhall Market which I spotted in the movie The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus and thought looked interesting.