Blog Archive 2010 • Cat Morley


Making Magazine
There’s a quote from me about Cut Out + Keep for Clare’s article in the launch issue of Making magazine.
Flower Ring On Bead Barmy
The Fantasy Film Flower Ring how-to that I made for Beads Unlimited is now on their Bead Barmy blog.
Churchill Arms
I spotted an evil ladybird on the bus tonight. It's still kind of cute though, isn't it? We went for a drink at the Churchill Arms tonight. It's such a cool pub with trinkets in ever corner and c...
Diners & Noodles
Today was my Mum and Dad's last day in London and their last request was for one more meal at Wagamama, so we headed to the one in Camden. It started raining really heavily before we got there, so ...
Dinosaurs At Crystal Palace
This morning we went to see the dinosaurs at Crystal Palace. They’re in the middle of a pond in the park and you can actually see them from the overground if you’re passing through on the train.
London Aquarium
This morning, my Mum and I went to the London Aquarium. It was huge with four floors of displays and two gigantic, 4-floor tall tanks in the middle. There were lots of pretty anemones, fish which ...
British Film Museum
This afternoon we went for lunch at the Salsbury Food Court in Queen’s Park. They do yummy mix ‘n’ match pasta salads where you can try a bit of everything. After lunch my Dad and I went to the Lo...
Platform 9 3/4
My parents came down to London for a visit tonight, so we picked them up from Kings Cross where Tom found Platform 9 3/4.
Basso & Brooke
We had another early start for London Fashion Week today, so we had a quick breakfast in the press lounge. They take care of us so well.
Tube Trains In The Sky
As fun as Fashion Week is, it does mean getting up very early on the weekend. We decided to give breakfast in East London a chance for a change but it turned out to be a huge disappointing… so when...
Ashley Isham
It’s London Fashion Week again, so after work we rushed to Somerset House to pick up our passes before the first catwalk show. This seasons MULBERRY tote has a bunny on it!
Retiring At 24
Cut Out + Keep has finally hired Tom and as of November, he’ll be working on the site fulltime. To celebrate, we hit up the town, starting with noodles at Wagamama.
Presents From Japan
Birthday presents from Jennifer Ann Smith arrived today and she gave me the most amazing Vivienne Westwood scarf.
Candy Floss Carnival
I promised to make Jennifer Ann Smith a top for her birthday and, after 5 hours of sewing, I finished her Candy Floss Carnival Top last night.
Venice Queen
Brunch this Sunday was at Raoul’s on Clifton Road. A place we pass daily but have never tried. It was good though maybe a little overpriced. Afterwards we checked out Toast, a new cafe that’s open...
Stonehenge Rocks
After waking up at the Swindon Hilton on Saturday, we turned our noses up at the £16.50 breakfast and went for egg McMuffin’s at McDonald’s in an Asda / shopping centre which may have been the most...
Ocelot's Birthday Party
Today was The Ocelot’s 50th issue birthday, so we jumped in Dave's car and headed to Riffs bar in Wiltshire. There were bands, free beer and Graham came and joined us too. I haven't seen him in yea...
Kelly Cutrone
I’ve just finished reading Kelly Cutrone's If You Have to Cry Go Outside and here are some of my favourite quotes:
Fashion Night Out
It was Vogue’s Fashion Night Out last night, so Louise and Tony came along on what felt like “trick or treating” between all the fancy shops on Bond Street, enjoying nibbles and drinks in each.
Little Venice Sunset
There was an amazing sunset over Little Venice tonight… I was so happy that I had my new camera to capture it.
Alt Fashion
I love the new travel window displays in Tiffany & Co. and there's a gorgeous envelope pendant that I have my eye on. Tonight we went for drinks in Earl’s Court with Leona, who’s the editor of...
Sky Ride
Tom and I took part in Sky Ride today, where streets in central London were closed off to make a circuit for cyclists. We fuelled up with breakfast at Jack's with Louise, Lynsey and Claire.
gURL was the first website I ever joined, when I was about 13 years old, so I was so excited to see that they’d done a little article on Cut Out + Keep and picked out 12 projects from the site ...
Fantasy Film Flower Ring
Remember how Beads Unlimited sent me a box of crafty things to play with a few weeks ago? I came up with a how-to for a Fantasy Film Flower Ring, which looks a bit like stained glass.
Tom and I rewarded ourselves with dinner at Jacks tonight in Queens Park after a long day at work.


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