Cat Morley

Blog Posts



Tex Mex Night
Plan 9 have started a Tex Mex Night on Thursdays, where they’re open until 10 and you can bring your own bottle. We went along this week to check it out. For starters we shared a bowl of tasty nac...


Museum Of Brands
We had lunch at Pret A Manger today. I love the knife and fork snowflakes they have in the window and their Christmas noms are good too, especially the crumble crumble bar! We then went to a talk ...


Penny For Your Thoughts
We’ve been super busy at work on Cut Out + Keep recently and launched a brand new header this week! It looks so much nicer and we’re going to be refreshing the whole site soon.


Winter Came To Omaha
We spent today decorating our tree and making presents to go underneath. It smells so lovely. I made my Grandma a decoupage frame with a squished penny on and fake polaroids inside. Tonight we la...


Forward Planning
It’s been far too cold to go out this week but we did venture out for a little while today to pick up some magazines we’re in. We only latest a few minutes before having to go for a coffee to warm ...



Glam Publisher Party
This evening was the publisher party. Glam are an advertising agency we’ve just joined and have so far earned us £2.14. The party was at St Barnabus House, an ex-homlesss shelter which h...


In Good Company
Company Magazine asked us to send over lots and lots of photos of us for the interview they’re doing with us. We didn’t have any, so Louise Blackwood kindly volunteered to come over and take some w...


Fast & Loose
Lynsey had tickets for Fast & Loose at the BBC. So we all headed along with Louise, Tony, Claire and the kitten mittens. It was Louise’s first time at Television Centre so she was excited by t...


Singing Lesson With Princess Superstar
Meantime Brewery were giving out free beer in Soho today. They also had a photobooth in the back of a taxi cab. It tasted quite nice and the bottles were really pretty. We called in to LEAP ANYWHE...


Alice By Temperley
This evening was Alice by Temperley’s first birthday party at Paradise by way of Kensal Green. The party was nice and close to the Mews – lucky as I was wearing heels!


Digital Lego Box
Movies during the daytime are the best and super cheap! Today we went to see Unstoppable about a train which can’t stop. They’ve got an awesome photobooth in the W9 Centre which gives you two stri...


We got tickets for a mystery TV show tonight. All we were told was to turn up to a Cabaret Club under London Bridge. The club was really cool (the same place they hosted Torture Garden) and we wer...


Here's One I Made Earlier
This morning we went on a tour of BBC Television Centre. Cat Deeley was doing filming for So You Think You Can Dance outside. We got to see BBC News which was very cool and the studios where a wea...


We Are The Mittens
I bought the cutest pair of mittens today! I spotted a girl with them on the train yesterday and asked where she’d got them… she also had the matching hat. I’ve been putting on puppet shows with th...


The Art And Pirate Walk
Today we headed back to Deptford to take my parents on a art and pirate walk. We started with lunch on the train carriage. I love their butternut squash. We studied our map over cake and then it ...


Back To The Future
Luckily I was feeling well enough to go out today and Tom’s Dad was in London, so we travelled in to town to meet him. I started making a candy wrapper bracelet on the tube… it’s a good-on-the-go-c...


London Is Better Than Paris
Oh dear… I got seriously ill with food poising when we got home from Paris. I wish I hadn't had that takeout from Quick. Ick ick ick. I was too sick to go out today, so my Mum and Dad went off on ...


It’s A Small World After All
After checking out of the hotel we headed up to Montmarte and Sacre Couer. These steps remind me so much of Amelie but what you don’t see in the movie are the “string men of Sacre Couer” who accos...


Disney Land
After breakfast at the hotel we caught a double decker RER train to M.L.V Chessy. We then went to Disney Land today. The Last time I visited I was 9 years old and it was just as magical this time.


One Day We’ll Live In Paris
Tom and I decided to treat ourselves to an impromptu trip to Paris! This was my fourth visit to the city and each time I’ve been, it’s been November or December, which I hear is the best time to go.


Princess And The Frog
We went for lunch with Lynsey at Ca'ppucino in Westfield today. I had a tasty panini which came on a plank. I dropped my laptop off at the Apple Store, which is getting it's DVD drive fixed.


Le Pain Quotidien
The Apple Care was about to expire on my MacBook, so I decided to take it in for repair to fix the CD drive today. Afterwards we went for coffee and a biscuit platter at Le Pain Quotidien.


Today was the Tatty Devine press day which was fantastic. Tom thinks they’re getting better with each season and I’ve got to agree. Their spring / summer collection is all fantasy with crystals, st...


Mr Warwick Avenue (aka Tim Pinn, now we’ve been introduced) was back with a new sign today. We headed to One New Change, a fancy new shopping centre at St. Paul’s where there was a tech coffee mor...


Starworks Press Day
Today was the Starworks Press Day, which had three floors of designers showcasing their Spring/Summer collections with everything from wetsuit bikinis to paperclip print dresses.