Blog Archive 2015 • Cat Morley


Kenny & Claire gave us this awesome hashtag marquee light for our birthday and it looks perfect on our desk. Even though I'm a few days behind, I've been continuing to bake along with the Grea...
Katie & Phil invited us over to their house to try Phil's home brew and meet their kitties this evening. I never like to show up empty handed, so I baked a batch of beercaroons which were wash...
Zazzle Office Makeover
The aim of the week was to give the CO+K office a shiny makeover with the help of Zazzle, starting with new CO+K mousepads, a Crafterella calendar for the pegboard, a new phone case and lots of cus...
Yarn Crush
I got an exciting delivery in the mail this morning from Yarn Crush, a new subscription box for knitters. The box also included a stitch counter ring which has to be the handiest thing I didn't kn...
Today ended up being a super busy day without us having planned very much to do. First we met up with Joe & Sarah for breakfast and Seymour snuggles at Odds & Ends. Tom invited Duncan &...
My Birthday
It was my birthday today and Tom treated me to breakfast pastries and a glass of bubbly when I woke up. He gave me my presents early, because some of them would be really useful during the day, in...
When I found out the Alison worked at George Herriot's school, which inspired Harry Potter, I couldn't resist asking her what it was like to work in Hogwarts and then she invited us for a tour.
I'd planned to make some mustardy hassleback potatoes to have with dinner last night but as we had to rush out for a picnic, I decided to make them for breakfast this morning instead. Check out Mu...
Jackalopes have definitely become a trending theme in my summer crafting and I've just put the finishing touches on this new hat stand for our bedroom. It's made from a cheap rabbit mask, some wood...
Flavourly sent us one of their new craft beer boxes, much to the delight of Tom, who wanted to start cracking bottles open straight away. I cooked him a batch of honey beer nuts to have as a bar s...
It's not everyday then I get free shoes in the mail, so this morning I felt especially lucky when this gorgeous pair of Lotta From Stockholm clogs arrived for me to craft with.
Get Your Own Back
After not seeing Ailsa in years, we got to see her twice this week and met up for cocktails at Paradise Palms. It was the perfect place for people watching and trying to spot comedians. Katherine R...
Emma Munger created this amazing comic strip of Crafterella & Bobbin called Decou-Paws and I laughed so much when it first arrived in my inbox. I love all the little details and jokes hidden in...


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