Cat Morley

Blog Posts



I've wanted this awesome pencil jumper ever since spotting Carrie wearing it in The Carrie Diaries and had a saved search for it on eBay. Last week one popped up and I managed to win it for £5 and ...


We had a voucher to spend on some LEGO at Toys R Us so we ordered the City Museum. It's really cute with little gargoyles on the roof and thieves who steal the artwork. We're always driving past ...


Tom and I decided to take advantage of Yo! Sushi's January sale and have dinner there this evening. In the evening, we had free tickets for the premier of Kingsman at the Vue. There was a huge que...


Mum and Dad brought Nana through to visit today and we went for lunch at Wood's Deli. I ordered the quiche which came served with lots of tasty salads. We picked up some of Quorn's new pork fillet...


It was my Grandma's last day in Scotland today, so rather than let her sit at home along in Fife, we drove through in the Figaro to pick her up and bring her through to Edinburgh to hang out.


We got a lovely little package in the mail from Pam & James in Idaho this morning include a Christmas card which turns into an airplane bound for the North Pole and a pair of cat tights.


New Lanark
Everyone seems to have been telling us to go to New Lanark recently, so we picked up Dad and Grandma and headed along for a day out. New Lanark is a village that was created as a social experiment...

Blog Posts



Happy New Year
Tom and I have been struck down by the nastiest cold for the past few weeks and weren't even sure we'd be awake for New Years Eve but Mum, Dad & Grandma came through to visit so we forced ourse...


Mum & Grandma had been to see a play in Edinburgh this afternoon, so we met up with them afterwards for tea at Mademoiselle Macaron. Mum had fun playing with the ViewMasters. A new sushi resta...


Solar Storm
We met up with Duncan and Alex this morning at The Chocolate Tree and it felt so Christmassy sipping on a winter spice hot chocolate for breakfast. Our Secret Santa present had arrived from Twinki...


12 Year Anniversary
It was our 12 year anniversary today and Tom and I had a busy day planned. We started by meeting up with Keava for brunch at Nom De Plume on Broughton Street which is her favourite cafe and one we...


Lynsey was in Edinburgh today, so we met up for brunch at Montpelier's. I've miss meeting up for our weekly brunches like when we lived in London and it was so nice to catch up. We then headed on ...


Boxing Day
It was Boxing Day today and it was so nice to get a chance to put our feet up and relax. I put on my reindeer onesie, read my Harley Quinn comic and munched on the London Gin truffles which have po...


Merry Christmas. We were hosting Christmas again this year, so we had a very full house with my Mum, Dad, Nana, Grandma and kitty cat, Dime! We woke up to stockings stuffed with goodies and mine w...


Christmas Is Awesome
We wanted to continue last year's singing Christmas card video tradition and weren't sure if we would be able to top it when we came up with the idea of turning our friends into LEGO. We record...


Christmas Eve
It was Christmas Eve today which meant I got a giant Lindt teddy bear in my advent calendar and Tom got a LEGO Santa in his which came in very handy with our Christmas card. I was kept busy all da...


We met up with the family to see Paddington this evening. I wasn't expecting too much from it but really loved it. Parts of it were set around where we lived in Maida Vale and it made us homesick f...


I've never had a Christmas jumper and was getting a little jealous of all the compliments Tom has been receiving on his collection when he surprised me with my own with a cat on it.


We're giving away a sewing machine from Singer on Cut Out + Keep over the holidays and to give everyone a little inspiration, I put it to the test by making some gifts for the family. I made Tom a...


My Grandma has come to visit from Canada for Christmas and we got to spend the day with her. Grandma loves horses so we took her to see The Kelpies where we had mulled wine and mince pies.


We were getting festive for this week's Cocktail Hour and experimenting with London dry gin and sloe gin from Sipsmiths. I've never been a huge fan of mince pies until I tried the ones at the Secr...


BUST Magazine
I've been reading BUST Magazine since I was 17 and have always dreamed of writing for them, so when they got in touch asking if I'd like to write a city guide for Edinburgh, I couldn't wait to tick...


We headed to Blairadam Forest to get our Christmas tree today and I though we'd have to get a smaller one as we would be driving it home in the back of Fig, but Tom picked out a giant 7 foot pine.


Tom had heard there would be some F1 drivers racing fast cars around Princes Street Gardens this morning, so we woke up bright and early and headed along to check it out. Jenson Button, Mika Hakki...


The Edinburgh Whiteout
Tonight was Google's Edinburgh Whiteout party for the City Experts at The Pompadour. We were handed cocktails with candy floss when we arrived and made our way in to a gorgeous snowy room with an o...