Blog Archive 2003 • Cat Morley


Bus Pass
I got my Uni Rider buss pass today. Now nothing can stop me... Dundee is my oyster!
Tom and I went to see some really good short films at the DCA tonight. I hope I’ll be making movies like that one day.
We went through to Edinburgh today to do some shopping. I got a Living Dead Dolls, velvet jacket, zippy jumper and a powder compact.
MTV In The Gardens
I’ve been at home in Fife over the past few days, as there's very little to do in Dundee and practically no classes to attend. This evening, Tom had tickets to see MTV In The Gardens in Edinburgh....
the matrix revolutions? disappointing. i went to see it today at 2 with 8 of my friends. i found it quite boring and really disappointing compared to the others but i wont go into that incase i ru...
We came back through to Dundee tonight and headed to the Beat Bar to see Chug play. There were eight different bands, so the gig lasted for ages but none where as good as Chug, who covered Friday I...
Jill's Party
Tonight was Jill’s 18th birthday party which was lots of fun. We drank Baileys and kept threatening the DJ with paper airplanes for playing too much disco. Instead he played Placebo and the White S...


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