Kerri Layton • Cat Morley

This week we get to know my subscriber Kerri Layton, a drama teacher and performing artist from Lancaster, who is also the founder and director of the FAF Arts Street Theatre Co.

Kerri aka Laydee Layton aka Belle Du Voir first discovered me about a year ago after liking Cut Out + Keep. She said, "you looked like a girl after my own heart; loads of glitter, making amazing things out of recycled found objects and generally seeming like a full power girl whose following her dreams so I was inspired to subscribe to your updates and have enjoyed reading your posts." Her favourite colours are black and red, her hero is Caitlin Moran who wrote her favourite book ‘How to be a woman’ and her favourite possession is a blue tin kettle. She also has a pointless glow stick app on her phone, which makes her laugh when people shake their very expensive phones about.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be an artist! There was a brief spell of wanting to be an officer in the army or a police woman but given my politics these days I’m better off curating events. I’m actually doing my dream job! I’m an artist woohoo! I balance a hectic schedule between producing drama workshops and performing various characters- dancing for bands or running around in some mad costume on the street. I would really like to the lead singer of a high energy, sexy rock band too maybe this is the next dream to pursue!

Where should we visit if we come to your town?

ME! Come for a brew at FAF HQ! OR Lancaster Castle is quite nice, Williamsons Park too if the weather's good. I love heading into the hills in the Trough of Bowland or walking down the estuary with a view of the Lake District (it proper smells of sheep there and makes me feel so rural, I love it!)

"I’m actually doing my dream job! I’m an artist woohoo!"

Where do you look for inspiration?

OOO great question!!
1) I almost always start with music- go for a walk and listen to a track, let my mind wander and see what images, emotions and thoughts of movement come to me.
2) The second place is charity shops, car boots junk sales etc . I like to make stories from objects I find so I summon my shamanistic powers to guide my way through boxes of treasure. I actually think this is one of my super powers!
3) I meditate.
4) Books and pictures. I always make mood boards of concepts to guide the initial stages of a project, then, by this stage my mind will be in over drive and I’ll have the phone in one hand and laptop in the other, whipping up a frenzy calling all suitable artists and performers to get involved!

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

‘If your names on the bullet it will get you wherever you are’ Those were my Granddad’s dying words to me. I was 14 and just about to go on my first serious travel to Egypt. I live my life by these words. What a man he was!

What would your three wishes be?

1) I wish I had hundreds and hundreds more costumes, big hats little hats, all kinds of wigs, a million different gloves, a girl can never have enough shoes, oh and a few more glittery knickers please!
2) I wish I had an agent or a manager.
3) I wish the above wishes come true soon!

Make sure to check out the FAF Arts website and you can follow Belle Du Voir herself on Facebook.

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