Cat Morley

Blog Posts



**Links** _of the_ **Week**
Here are some of the great links I've seen on the internet this week! In The Doll House photo series about the real life Barbie & Ken. Declutter your Facebook News Feed by making friends you ...


Kerri Layton
This week we get to know my subscriber Kerri Layton, a drama teacher and performing artist from Lancaster, who is also the founder and director of the FAF Arts Street Theatre Co.


Scrapbook Round-Up
Here's a peek at some of the things I've been cutting out of magazines and sticking in my scrapbook this week. What have you been scrapbooking recently?


Tarina Tarantino
This week I'm going to DIY the look of jewellery designer Tarina Tarantino. Tarina is the queen of sparkle with her own look just as unique as her jewellery. She's worked with Hello Kitty and even...


**Links** _of the_ **Week**
Here are some of the great links I've clicked on this week! I love this London tube map made out of drinking straws. fontBomb lets you blow up any website - handy if you read an article you don't...